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  • Writer's pictureRegine Perez

How To Start Freelancing And Quit Your Desk Job

How To Start Freelancing

Freelancing is already making a name in the industry today. However, many still doubt every time they decide to start freelancing. This is because of fears and worries that battle inside their minds. Many think that freelancing provides no security regarding job stability. However, the workforce is now changing as they swap from the 8-5 mundane jobs for flexibility in time and money. Freelancing, wrapped up in the catch-all term “gig economy,” has rapidly taken root worldwide, driven by the explosion of the digital economy. Nowadays, more and more companies and businesses are going digital, so the need for freelancers is in high demand. How to start freelancing and quit your desk job? Here are some tips to follow:

6 Effective Tips to Start Freelancing

1. Find your niche

Finding your niche is one of the essential components you have to consider in freelancing. You need to identify your strength, skills, and which area you are good at to determine what job is suitable for you quickly. Some freelancers are trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. However, it can be very stressful since you have to master all the skills quickly, which might compromise one or another.

2. Develop your skills

Once you have identified your niche, work yourself to master your skills. In freelancing, educational background is not valued, but abilities are. They are more interested in the quality of output you can provide. Develop that inner potential, and if it requires you to enroll in a course to hone your abilities in freelancing, do so.

3. Get a mentor

If you really want to soar, get yourself a mentor. Someone already successful in the field. They can give you pieces of advice on how you can start and become a successful freelancer. If you are a newbie and plan to jumpstart your career in the freelancing industry, enroll in a freelancing course. This course equips you with the step-by-step process of setting up your account online, getting hired, and then reaching freelancing success.

4. Provide Quality Service

Nothing beats good quality service. To maintain a long-term relationship with your clients, you have to provide them with the best quality output. Once you do your job excellently, it’s either they will hire you for a long-term commitment with them, increase your raise, or will have you recommended. These will increase your value as a freelancer, and later on, your freelancing brand will be recognized. Thus, more clients are coming in. If you have more tasks to do, you can delegate some to Airtasker. They are also providing high-quality services.

5. Apply to different online platforms

Finding clients online is as hard as finding a traditional job. Considering that there are hundreds of applicants per job offer, you need to consider that freelancing is also stiff competition. A common misconception in freelancing is that clients will just come right through their email. But it’s contradictory. You still need to work out your brand, put on that impressive resumes, nail that interview before you land on the job you’ve wanted. Rejection is still part of the process. But as long as you keep searching, sooner or later, you’ll get there.

6. Find a long-term project

If you plan to quit your 8-5 desk job, you need to find at least a long-term or full-time project to compensate for your daily needs. A freelancing job can be very uncertain. It requires so much patience, hard work, persistence, determination, and continuous learning to succeed in the field. There might be instances when you lose a client. Unless you are already secured with your earnings and find great value in your job, then it’s fine. Freelancing can give you both time and financial freedom, but you have to pay the price before you get there. Suppose you want to try freelancing but don’t know how to start. In that case, Surge Marketplace offers a freelancing course that guides aspiring freelancers from scratch and helps build their online reputation. Visit this link and start freelancing today!

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